Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The changing season

This writing was done when I was a senior at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina when minds and hearts were dominated by sports and the changing season:

October 22, 1960 (Saturday) - During this week, we have had our first taste of fall weather. Cooler air moved into Greenville Thursday and has even threatened frost. However, the frost hasn’t materialized. It is good to see cold weather again. Wool clothes return to the campus along with beautiful sweaters, etc. Gail Frost and I even carried our overcoats to this afternoon’s game between the Citadel and Furman. It was warm during the first half of the game, but as the sun and hearts of the Furman student body sank during the second half, the coats felt good. Neither team seemed to feel the spirit of football as they fumbled back and forth across the field. It just happened that the Citadel scored one more point than FU. The game ended 7-6. That put the mighty Citadel Bulldogs ahead in the conference, and Furman, the last undefeated team in the state, buckled from tops to ordinary.

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