Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Political Manifesto

We are living in difficult times. The economy almost went off a cliff, and the recovery is slow. Fortunately, the economy seems to be creeping towards improvement. However, many companies are down-sizing to a "new norm." That is one of the things keeping unemployment high.

I don't envy our President the job of leading this nation through a recovery period. No matter what he does, he is criticized. When the criticism is justified, I understand. When it is not, I don't understand. In my opinion, the Republican party has been dedicated to seeing that this man fail as per Jim DeMint's infamous quote concerning "Obama's Waterloo." Republicans have done so by voting no on almost every bill. They have helped disseminate lies, untruths, disinformation, and innuendo. They have failed on almost every account to present alternatives and have supported bills which, when presented by Democrats, they have then voted against.

I admire President Barack Obama greatly. I read The Audacity of Hope before he was elected president, followed his campaign, and contributed to that campaign. If he is successful, it will not be with the help of the Republican party. It pains me when I see him besmirched as a non-Christian, an illegal immigrant (the birthers), and as a Nazi and racist. I find intolerable the vitriol that flows from the mouths of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michele Bachman, and Sarah Palin.

I respect one's political beliefs because we live in a free country where we can disagree. However, we also live in a country where we are told to pray for our leaders. I can't imagine what it's like being the President of the United States with problems and challenges criss-crossing his desk every day.

I believe that Barack Hussein Obama will historically be proven to have been one of our great presidents, regardless of whether or not he serves one term or two. His accomplishments so far have been phenomenal although he has gotten little credit for the achievements of this administration that is filibustered on almost every bill.

God bless America.

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