Monday, October 25, 2010

My thoughts at age 23

As I have told you, I have been keeping a journal since 1954 (off and on). This is a writing I did on this date just after I joined the US Navy and was stationed in Pensacola, FL:

October 25, 1961
(Wednesday) - It is funny how I can turn back in this journal and flip from 23 January when I graduated from Furman University to now -- 275 days of a life completely different from anything I have ever done. Great Lakes, Bainbridge, Camp Perry and now Pensacola. Who would have thought a year ago that I would have been traveling around like this? Who knows, this time next year I might be on the other side of the world or I might be at my same desk in AMO [Aircraft Materials Office]. The world is so changeable as are we. One day we are young; the next we are old. My life seems to be speeding by so quickly. I have so many things I want to accomplish. My friend Julie Martin once asked me my philosophy of life to which I replied that it wanted to make people happy. How can I best accomplish that? I don’t even know whether I have been half-way successful so far. It is funny how a question such as the one Julie asked can stimulate a person and challenge him. She probably didn’t even think of that. There is so much challenge for young people in the world if we only accept it.

1 comment:

  1. So amazing that you have this journal to look back and think about your younger self. You are very fortunate.
