Monday, July 12, 2010

Gay Friendly

When I first accepted myself as a gay man at age 54, I was afraid of what I might become. Fortunately, I met three wonderful gay men in church who befriended me and guided me into a very satisfying platonic relationship.

I have three friends--Scott, Matt, and Dean;
Their friendship means the world to me.
I sometimes want to change my friends,
But I can only change me.

Scott is the friend who taught me how
A friendship really should be;
Now when Scott isn't all I need,
I can't change Scott--God, change me.

Matt's prayer life I do emulate;
He taught me You are in me;
But Matt said, "I can let you down."
God, don't change Matt--just change me.

Dean's friendship has been one of time;
In games he can defeat me;
Don't take away Dean's winning edge;
Give me new goals--Lord, change me.

Life is a challenge, each new day
Demands some alteration;
Lord, bless my friends--let us begin
A friendship restoration.

1 comment:

  1. Thom
    If you have 3 good friends you are a lucky man. Good friends are hard to come by. I can say I have 3 good friends, either one of them I can call on them whenever I need them. I have lots of aquaintances but a real good friend is hard to come by. I love the poem. You are so good with words. I didn't realized that it took you so long to come out as a gay man. Did your wife had any idea? your children? It must have been hard trying to keep such a secret from your parents and family. I am so happy for you that you are living a great life as God intended for you.
