Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing. I am full of gratitude on this day before Thanksgiving, 2010. I am 72 years old, have experienced many health challenges such as two encounters with cancer, a knee replacement, angioplasty, a ruptured appendix. No wonder when I awaken in the morning, I am so grateful for life that I say, "Thank you, Lord." That utterance doesn't only come to my lips in the morning but occurs randomly during the day as I live my life. I am not what you might call a Bible thumper, but I have a very foundational belief in a Creator Who influences my life and Who responds to my communications. I am very grateful for the United States of America and for President Barack Obama, our nation's leader who has accomplished so much already for the middle class. I believe the founding Fathers gave us a basis for becoming the great nation we have become. I am not a super patriot in that I don't believe my country can do no wrong. However, I do believe that our system of government, for the most part, works for the betterment of Americans. God bless America on this Thanksgiving eve.

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