Friday, November 12, 2010

The Unbalanced Teeter-Totter

I recently heard TV financial consultant Suze Orman state that "the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer." I, for one, am in the latter group, and I resent all of the tax loopholes that allow the wealthy to not live by the letter of the law. Warren Buffet has argued that his secretary pays more income tax than he does.I am very much with the Democrats in allowing the tax breaks instituted by President George W. Bush to expire for the wealthiest 3% of our nation. The arguement that we should not raise taxes during a recession is now a moot point, now that the recession has been proclaimed dead. It is also ridiculous to hear the Republicans complaining about the deficit when they are willing to add to the deficit by not allowing this provision to expire. We, the middle class, are sitting on a teeter-totter that is out of balance. I'm all for allowing the Democrats more time to "level the playing ground" financially. The rich will continue to get rich, but the poor, hopefully, will not continue to get poorer.

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